Q&A with Riot’s new Campaigns Executive, Ruby Fitzgerald

12 Dec 2023 -

Ruby joined us in October and has already taken settled in and done some amazing work with influencers for the Royal Institution and supporting the Nero Book Awards team to roll out social media content. Ruby’s background in comms is within the charity and education sector, but her passion has always been arts and culture. Alongside her previous role, Ruby provided freelance publicity and social media support to her local literary festival in Kent. She brings with her a brilliant set of skills alongside a deep passion for arts, culture and entertainment, and we’re so pleased to have her on the team. 

Want to get to know her a bit better? We’ve asked her to share a bit about some of her passions and the things she is most looking forward to about working at Riot.

What are you most excited about when it comes to joining Riot?

I’m really excited to be working in the arts and culture space, which has been my goal for a few years now. Riot has such a wide range of great clients so I feel really lucky to be involved. The work itself is creative and I never get bored!

With no limitations in place, who would be your dream client?

My dream client would be the National Theatre. Since moving to London, I’ve got really into going to the theatre and the NT offers £10 tickets if you’re aged 25 and under, which I’ve been making good use of. My favourite show this year has been The Effect, it was completely engrossing and I felt emotionally drained at the end of the show – in a good way! 

My all-time favourite author is Haruki Murakami so he would be another dream client. He’s already got a huge readership but I’d love to introduce his work to even more people. 

What was the first book that you fell in love with?

Speaking of Murakami, Kafka on the Shore was probably the first book I fell in love with as an adult. I remember being so absorbed in its surreal world that I skipped a night out on my post-A-Levels girls’ holiday to stay in and read. When my friends got back at 4am, I was still awake and on the final chapter!

As a child, I read a lot of different books but I do remember writing fan mail to Francesca Child who wrote the Horrid Henry series. I’ve always loved naughty characters like Horrid Henry and Dennis the Menace.

What are some of your other passions?

I’ve really been into yoga for the past few years. I have dyspraxia and struggle with sport but yoga has improved my coordination and strength so much. I thought I hated all exercise because I couldn’t catch a ball and was always the last one picked for the team in PE, but it turns out I just hadn’t found my niche yet!