The gift of the golden years

Portrait of Lynn by Harry Borden

It’s nothing new that in the cultural sector, as well as in much of the media, youth continues to be a prized asset. From the 30 under 30s to the lists of (usually young) debut novelists to watch, it can feel at times like writers and artists, however talented, get a decade or two in the limelight before they are thrust to one side to make space for the younger generation.

Riot has worked with the independent publisher, CHEERIO, for several years now, and in that time, Clare Conville and Harriet Vyner have published books by a number of rising stars including Megan Barker and Kandace Siobhan Walker, among others. But two recent campaigns with the publisher have driven home for me how necessary it is that we continue to celebrate writers further along in their careers too.

In April, the octogenarian and psychogeographer Iain Sinclair took readers back to Soho in its artistic heyday, retracing the steps of John Deakin, photographer to the court of Francis Bacon, with his brilliant book, Pariah Genius. Sinclair opens a portal for the reader, taking them to a version of Soho must of us born after 1980 will never know, and surely will never quite return – one where painters rubbed shoulders with gangsters and dockworkers drank among the art world elite.

Just a few weeks later we toasted to the 80th birthday of the legendary journalist Lynn Barber, and the publication of her new memoir, A Little Art Education. In little more than a hundred pages, Barber recounts her journey from art class hanger-on to Turner Prizer juror, along the way striking up enduring friendships with the likes of David Hockney, Tracey Emin and Sarah Lucas. That’s not to mention a memorable encounter in her early career with a certain Salvador Dalí.

Both of these incredible books have taken me to places I can never go to, and in the company of great artists I’ll never have the chance to meet. In both cases it is only possible because in one way or another the writer too was there. And as a result, so am I.

I’m not the only one to have been affected in this way. Our job has ultimately been to ensure that both titles get the attention in the media that they deserve, and in all the coverage the respect and admiration for these two veterans of their trades has been plain to see. The magazine covers might be dominated by the fresh-faced and bright-eyed, but words like ‘peerless’ and ‘inimitable’ are reserved only for those who have been at the top of their game for the longest time. So here’s to the older generation – and thanks for your memories.

Implementing an influencer campaign for the Royal Institution’s Christmas Lectures 2023

With the exception of a pause during WWII, the Royal Institution’s Christmas Lectures have run continuously since 1825. No mean feat, this annual tradition has made a huge impact on the accessibility of science for the general public, which is why we have loved working with the Ri over the past six years. 

After consistently robust media campaigns, we decided, for Christmas 2023, to implement an influencer campaign to complement  a more traditional media-led approach. The Ri were keen to raise awareness of the 2023 Christmas Lectures in the 13-19 age group, and we suggested that developing a social media influencer campaign was the best approach for targeting this demographic.

We began by carefully considering which types of content creators to approach – we needed influencers that were curious, thoughtful and age-appropriate to align with the Christmas Lecture ethos and brand. After presenting several options to the team at the Ri, we settled on three strands of influencers – ‘science with a twist’, ‘booktokers’ and ‘things to do in London’. 

In the science space, we joined forces with the wonderful Pandora Dewan and Nina Chhita (Nina.draws.scientists). Both creators produce science-driven content, sharing insightful nuggets of history and discovery with their followers. Nina and Pandora are avid fans of the Christmas Lectures, so they were thrilled to be invited to a behind-the-scenes tour of the Ri during the busy pre-Christmas filming period. In addition to seeing how the Lectures are made, the influencers also received a tour of the Faraday Museum and archives with the Head of Heritage and Collections, Charlotte New. 

We were so pleased with the wonderful content Nina and Pandora produced off the back of their tour. Pandora posted an Instagram Reel sharing her favourite piece of information from the Lectures – the potential to understand whales by using AI to recognise patterns in their language. Nina chronicled the history of the iconic Christmas Lectures and shared her favourite topic – The Chemical History of a Candle. Their insightful and inquisitive content totally aligned with the Christmas Lectures ethos, and included the key call to action to watch the Christmas Lectures on BBC iPlayer. 

The Ri has a wonderful library and a huge collection of rare first-edition books. Looking beyond science influencers, we decided to approach ‘booktokers’. Creators with a passion for books were invited to explore the library and archives, producing evergreen content showcasing the Ri as a unique day out in London for book lovers. Charlottechaoticbooksxo uploaded a lovely video all about the Ri’s vast collection. 

The team at the Royal Institution was impressed by the strategic and thoughtful nature  of our influencer campaign. We helped them forge strong relationships with content creators who they can work with going forward as they continue to target a teenage demographic.

Creating the UK’s first Moomin Pride event

As part of our work with Moomin Characters this year, we wanted to engage with the LGBTQ+ community through a bespoke Moomin Pride event. There’s a natural affinity between Moomin and the LGBTQ+ community as not only was their creator, Tove Jansson, a queer woman but the themes she explores with these beloved characters also resonate with the queer community.

We entirely created the event from ideation to implementation, sourcing queer bookshop The Common Press as an event partner and forming an intersectional panel of Moomin fans and experts in their creative fields to discuss the Moomins and the queer legacy of Tove Jansson’s work.

This was a sold out event and The Common Press shared that it was not only their most popular Pride event this year, but one of their most successful events ever. We also secured features about the event and the wider subject of Tove Jansson and the Moomins in both PinkNews and Metro.

Questions for: James Douglas

This article first appeared in BookBrunch

Describe your job
My job is to plan and direct PR campaigns for our clients, many of whom are in publishing, but we also work in film, heritage and other areas of culture and entertainment.

What was your first job in the book industry?
I joined Four Culture (then Four Colman Getty) as a graduate trainee in 2014. I knew very little about publishing and PR, and learned a huge amount from the team there over five years.

Who has been the most influential person in your career?
I’ve worked under some great PRs, but our director, Katy MacMillan-Scott, has been a constant presence. We were colleagues when I started out a decade ago, and she is one of the reasons I’m at Riot today.

How has the industry changed since your first job?
Media titles have come and gone. That’s the nature of things, particularly in the last decade. Despite this, there are more ways than ever to get the word out about a great book.

What’s the biggest challenge in your job?
Accepting that all the experience, passion and desire in the world can’t guarantee success. They are, however, essential qualities, without which you won’t get very far.

What’s the best piece of book-related advice you’ve ever been given?
I’ve come to realise that the stakes aren’t always as high as they feel. We’re a conscientious and hard-working bunch in publishing. We want to do the best we can for authors. But not every title finds a massive audience and that is ok. My experience is that books tend to reach the readers who will value them the most, one way or another.

What are the most interesting things you’re seeing at the moment in the industry?
Genuine innovation in audio, with the bar getting higher and higher.

What do you think might be the next big thing?
I hope it’s the influential senior publishers really valuing the instincts of their less experienced (usually younger) employees who have their ear to the ground, particularly online, and coming to see that there are huge opportunities in what are sometimes dismissed as ‘niche’ areas.

Do you work from an office, from home, or a mixture of the two?
We’re all in two days a week, which I think is important, particularly for those starting out. I also gain a lot more energy than I realised from being around the team. But I like to have a couple of days working from home too.

What do you most like doing when you’re not working?
I can (and do) lose hours on YouTube. Besides that, I love film just as much as I love books, and I’ve got a great network of friends local to me in East London.

What is the best book you’ve read in the last year?
Probably The Bee Sting by Paul Murray. Since I heard it described as ‘like Franzen, but Irish’ I knew I was going to love it.

What are you reading now?
I’m rereading A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan and I’m just as blown away as I was the first time.

How do you like to read: on screen, on paper, or do you listen to audiobooks?
Mainly paper, with the odd exception for certain kinds of non-fiction.



Photo of James Douglas by Marc Sethi

Ask the Expert: Hannah Knowles

We’re back with Ask the Expert, where we chat with various people across the world of arts, culture and entertainment and share their expertise. 

Today we’re speaking with Hannah Knowles, the Publishing Director, Arts and Culture at Faber. With over 17 years of experience in the industry, Hannah is responsible for overseeing Faber’s music and screen publishing as well as managing the arts and culture lists and exploring new arts areas for Faber to publish in. Before joining Faber, Hannah worked at Canongate, Octopus, Hodder, and Ebury.

Describe your job in one sentence.

Overseeing the brilliant Arts & Culture lists at Faber & Faber.

You’ve worked at some of the biggest publishing houses and imprints over the course of your career, how did you end up where you are today?

Ha! Long story. I moved around a lot when I was younger, largely because I needed more money to pay the rent, and if there was no room to progress at the company I was at, it just meant moving on. This role at Faber was an incredible stroke of fortune – I took on a maternity cover and ended up staying in a great role.

What are your tips for anyone trying to break into publishing, in particular, commissioning?

If you’re breaking in and just starting out, take any job in any department. At that stage, all experience is going to be incredibly useful, so even if you know you ultimately want to be a commissioning editor, taking a job in another department will help you understand the job and the industry better. I worked in sales for 6 months – part of my role was filling out returns forms for a particular retailer and it was a big eye-opener. It showed me what sales are up against and was incredibly useful for when I began to acquire books. Also roles at literary agents or scouting firms are all experience that you can use in publishing houses if you choose to move later down the line, so just keep an open mind.

You have been refreshingly open and outspoken about mental health in the publishing industry. Do you think that there has been any positive change around this conversation since you first spoke up?

Hmm. Well. I haven’t seen anything that has made me believe there is a better fundamental understanding of how mental illness impacts people in the industry – or chronic physical conditions, either. I referred in an article to our having an exceptionalist attitude in the industry, and unfortunately that means that it doesn’t matter how many articles I or anyone else writes about the subject. There is (broadly speaking) a belief from management across the industry that what they are doing is adequate, and if you think that is the case and don’t engage with people who are saying their experiences don’t match that belief, then nothing is going to change.

What if any other changes have you noticed in the industry since the start of your career, for example, with regards to career opportunities for individuals from non-typical backgrounds or with particular perspectives, as well in terms of the range of authors published?

There are incremental changes, in terms of diversity of staff and authors being published, but the problem – as has been raised by many others – is that there isn’t adequate support in place to ensure that people from different backgrounds don’t feel alienated, which makes retention a problem.

Biggest pinch-me moment of your career?

That’s always going to be working with incredible authors! There is nothing like that buzz you get when you read a proposal that has something special about it. Nothing other than then being able to buy it and work with the author to publish it, of course!

Who from the world of arts and entertainment would you love to sign for Faber?

There are a couple in the works that I don’t want to jinx, and some I’ve already signed that I’m extremely excited by. But dream commission? Now Prince is no longer with us, it would have to be Stevie Nicks.

What’s on your radar? Could you share what you’re listening to, reading and watching at the moment? 

I’ve pre-ordered Yoko Ogawa’s Mina’s Matchbox. She is probably my favourite writer at the moment. She isn’t afraid to show humans as the very morally complex, contradictory and strange creatures we are. Podcasts are my wind-down go-to: My Therapist Ghosted Me always makes me laugh.


Q&A with Riot’s new Associate Director, Julia Hallawell

Julia joined the Riot team earlier this month, and brings with her over 25 years of experience across film, theatre and arts publicity. Having worked on a range of campaigns from the West End production of To Kill A Mockingbird to the UK release of Shakespeare in Love, we’re so excited to have Julia as part of the team.

Want to get to know her a bit better? We’ve asked her to share a bit about some of her passions and the things she is most looking forward to about working at Riot.

What are you most excited about when it comes to joining Riot?

I am thrilled to be joining Riot’s hugely talented and passionate team, and am very excited about the possibilities for growth, discovering and forging new partnerships.

With no limitations in place, who would be your dream client?

Anyone telling life-enriching stories on stage or screen, created by people who believe in Tolstoy’s concept of art to change life for the better.

What was the first book that you fell in love with?

All seven C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books when I was about 9 years old, and I am still in love with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

What are some of your other passions?

My husband, my daughters and my two dogs – walks in the countryside, special time with my closest friends, singing jazz and dreaming of life by the sea.


Picture: Julia Hallawell © Marc Sethi

Q&A with Riot’s new Associate Director, Orla Houston-Jibo

Orla has been a part of the Riot team since early February, and has already made her mark through playing a key role in the delivery of the inaugural Nero Book Awards ceremony this month. Orla brings with her a wealth of experience in the arts, publishing and heritage sectors, having worked with the likes of Thames & Hudson, Bloomsbury Publishing and the Victoria & Albert Museum. We’re thrilled to have her join us at Riot.

Want to get to know her a bit better? We’ve asked her to share a bit about some of her passions and the things she is most looking forward to about working at Riot.

What are you most excited about when it comes to joining Riot?

Being part of a team again, especially one where everyone shares a passion for culture and entertainment in the broadest sense. Having spent several years in-house in publishing, it’s wonderful to work with colleagues who are all avid readers and who take as much pleasure as I do in discussing what books we are currently enjoying.

With no limitations in place, who would be your dream client?

It’s so hard to pick just one! Earlier in my career I worked at the Victoria & Albert Museum and it is still my favourite museum in the world. I would absolutely love to work with them on their exhibitions programme and on the launch of the forthcoming V&A East site. Another dream client would be the National Trust. I’ve long been a member and I think it would be really interesting to work with them to explore growing their audiences beyond those of their core membership.

What was the first book that you fell in love with?

As a young child it was The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton. I just loved the idea of a secret, parallel fairy world and I definitely remember looking for my own magic tree and fairies in the woods. A few years later it was Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret. Judy Blume was such a beloved author for me in my early adolescence.

What are some of your other passions?

These days I mostly spend my time running around after my little boy in playgrounds, but I take any chance I get to go to the theatre or the cinema. Outside of cultural pursuits, I love getting out of London for long walks and hikes and hope to be able to do this more this spring and summer.


Picture: Orla Houston-Jibo © Marc Sethi

Riot Communications grows team with two new senior appointments, boosting its credentials across publishing, museums and heritage, theatre and film

Riot Communications, the leading arts, culture and entertainment PR agency, has made two new key hires in the form of Orla Houston-Jibo and Julia Hallawell, who have both joined the business as Associate Directors.

The new hires will support the growth of the company following a series of new client wins which include the Science Museum Group and Octopus Publishing, on whose behalf Riot is handling publicity for James Middleton’s upcoming book.

Orla Houston-Jibo joins the agency after two years as a communications, marketing and cultural programming consultant for clients in the arts, hospitality, lifestyle and heritage sectors, including Bloomsbury Publishing, Chiswick House & Gardens, and Lore Group (One Hundred Shoreditch and Sea Containers hotels). Prior to that, she was Associate Director and Head of Lifestyle Division at Scott & Co where her clients included SKETCH London, Sir Hotels and Petworth Places. Houston-Jibo also brings with her in-house publishing experience, having worked as PR Director at Phaidon and Head of Publicity & Partnerships at Thames & Hudson, and bolsters Riot’s museums and heritage expertise thanks to her time at the Victoria & Albert Museum as a Project Manager and Assistant Curator in the Contemporary Programmes department.

Julia Hallawell brings to Riot over 25 years of experience across film, theatre and arts publicity. She joins from Kate Morley PR where she devised and delivered campaigns for West End productions including To Kill A Mockingbird starring Matthew Modine and Dr Semmelweis with Mark Rylance, plus retained clients including Kiln Theatre. Prior to that she created and led a new Influencer Engagement offering for Jersey Road PR. Earlier in her career, Hallawell worked at Shakespeare’s Globe where she led the theatre’s PR campaigns including for the opening of the indoor Sam Wanamaker Playhouse. Her experience in film includes distribution publicity for the UK releases of American Beauty, Shakespeare in Love and East is East and representing international titles at the Cannes and Berlin film festivals.

In addition to these two new hires, Jules Baretto, who started as an intern at Riot in September 2023, has been offered a permanent role at the agency as an Account Executive. To date, he has worked across a wide range of accounts from Aardman to the Nero Book Awards.

Caitlin Allen, MD at Riot Communications, said: “We are so excited to welcome these two brilliant talents to Riot. Our foundations are in books and our ambition will always be to work with the best of the best in that space, an ambition which will be supported by Orla’s experience on both sides of the in-house/agency relationship within the publishing industry. Meanwhile our client list across TV, film, theatre and heritage continues to grow – and I’m delighted to have Julia and Orla joining as we expand our work further across the arts and entertainment world. In Jules we found the most passionate, enthusiastic and dedicated intern, so are very pleased that he has accepted a permanent position too.”


Picture: Orla Houston-Jibo and Julia Hallawell © Marc Sethi

Riot Communications secures Blueprint status for another two years

Riot Communications, the leading PR agency specialising in arts, culture and entertainment, has retained full Blueprint status in the latest round of reapplications.

The Blueprint diversity mark aims to promote racial diversity in PR and communications. Awarded agencies sign up to a series of commitments aimed at encouraging diversity from entry level to boardroom, from staff culture to recruitment and retention. They must reapply every two years, to ensure continued best practice and commitment.

Riot first secured full Blueprint status in January 2022, only the sixth PR agency in the UK to do so, as well as being the smallest and the only one specialising in arts, culture and entertainment.

The announcement today comes following a rigorous reapplication process in December 2023, which detailed how Riot had fulfilled the Blueprint commitments over the previous two years. Following assessment from an independent panel of judges, the agency has been re-awarded the full mark for its continued commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion, and for providing solid examples of meeting and going beyond the Blueprint commitments. Furthermore, the agency impressed the judges with the level of detail and transparency in supporting documents that proved DEI remains at the heart of the agency.

Elizabeth Bananuka, Founder, BME PR Pros; Founder/CEO Blueprinted, said: “In the midst of so many negative reports about DEI initiatives, it is incredibly warming to reward Riot Communications full Blueprint status. The agency’s reapplication form accompanied by an extensive number of supporting materials highlighted leaders Caitlin Allen and Katy MacMillan-Scott’s strong commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion, and to maintaining the unique, inclusive culture the agency is famed for. Despite being one of the smallest agencies to secure full Blueprint status, the tiny agency has continued to make big DEI moves even in the midst of significant business changes. When Riot Communications first applied in 2022 they set the benchmark for small agencies. In 2024 they set the benchmark for a leadership truly committed to DEI. The Blueprint judges and I congratulate Riot Communications for retaining full Blueprint status and for their unwavering and admirable commitment to The Blueprint.”

Caitlin Allen, MD, Riot Communications, said: “In the two years since we first became Blueprinted, we have gained so much from the ongoing learning opportunities, the tailored action plans, and the community of like-minded agencies that Elizabeth has created. Being worthy of retaining this high benchmark has stretched us as an agency and challenged us as a leadership team, in the best possible way. It holds us accountable, daily, to be the very best we can be. We are incredibly grateful to Elizabeth, the wider Blueprint team, and our fellow Blueprinted agencies, who have shown us such generosity and support along the way. It is an exceptional group to be a part of.”

Q&A with Riot’s new Intern, Jules Barretto

Jules joined Riot in September and has embedded himself into the team with his infectious enthusiasm and passion for the work that we do. A recent Film & English graduate, Jules is the first to take up Riot’s new six-month internship programme. We’ve been impressed by his brilliant social media management and people skills, and we can’t wait to see his PR career take off.

Want to get to know him a bit better? We’ve asked him to share a bit about some of his passions and the things he is most looking forward to about working at Riot.

What are you most excited about when it comes to joining Riot?

I’m really excited to be working with like-minded people who share the same passion for arts, culture and entertainment. It’s amazing to be surrounded by such a skilled and talented team, learning as much as I can from them and being able to use what they’ve taught me to support a wide range of clients in the arts.

With no limitations in place, who would be your dream client?

My dream client would be Studio Ghibli. Watching Ghibli films as a kid was what drew me into film; I even wrote my dissertation on anime and Ghibli movies. I would love to work on Miyazaki’s next film in any capacity. I still haven’t gotten around to seeing the live theatre productions of My Neighbour Totoro and Spirited Away, but I would love to help others discover these amazing worlds and characters.

What was the first book that you fell in love with?

The first book that I really fell in love with was Stephen King’s The Shining. I was thrilled reading and watching horror films that I knew I shouldn’t have been watching as a kid. I used to read Goosebumps and Darren Shan books, but I never really felt scared until I read The Shining. I became addicted to reading books that evoked that sort of visceral feeling, not necessarily just fear, but also wonder and amazement etc. I still enjoy reading King and horror books today.

What are some of your other passions?

I love lifting weights and kickboxing. I grew up watching so many action and martial arts films, but I never worked up the courage to take lessons. It was only when I got into university that I decided to join the kickboxing society and became obsessed with the sport and working out. I’m constantly trying to test the full limits of my body and push myself to go further. I haven’t been able to practise as frequently lately, so I hope I can still touch my toes.